9 Minutes: George Floyd Verdict
It literally took a 9 min video and the entire world to stand up to convince “good police” to hold a brother in Blue accountable. “There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.” If you want to be a part of healing our nation, demand that this be applied in generous doses in all cases of police misconduct.
Eleven months ago, A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth was born out of this irreconcilable tragedy. Today’s victory is the latest on a long list of opportunities for the discourse of America to shift towards justice for all. What happens next is up to us. All of us. We are committed to the eradication of racism in 15 years and believe it or not, we are ahead of schedule. Join us and let’s continue the conversation at www.alongtalk.com
The trial of convicted murderer Derek Chauvin represents one of the first times in the history of police brutality cases where it feels like JUSTICE was served because, in the face of a global microscope, the truth was stronger than the blue wall of silence. We are at a moment in American history where we can decide to DEMAND this level of transparency and accountability in ALL cases of police misconduct. If you want us to believe the whole barrel isn’t rotten we need to see you littering the road with the ones whole are spoiling the bunch. Increase citizen accountability measures and review boards. Increase training and qualifications for employment. Stricter background checks in response to reports of white supremacy infiltration. Incentivize officers living in the communities they serve.