What People Are Saying
University of Pennsylvania
In May of 2023, Elise Betz, Penn Alumni, posts an Instagram message and testimonial.
Click here to listen/watch.
In February of 2023, The Georgetown Sailing team athletics participated in A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth. Click here to view an amazing testimonial from members of the Georgetown Sailing team!
In July of 2021, BYU athletics participated in A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth. Thanks to the leadership of NACDA Athletic Director of the Year, Tom Holmoe, and Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Development Whitney Johnson, their powerful testimonial video clearly expresses the power of engaging in a conversation that is effecting the direction of change in America.
West Virginia University
Brigham Young (BYU)
Georgetown University
White People to the Front
"In three short nights, they helped me begin to answer the question: how do I advocate for racial justice without causing harm and hate toward myself or my friends? These three days were a gateway for understanding for me and I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate."
— Dr. Stacey Cole,
Superintendent of Schools,
Storm Lake, Iowa
“I would and will recommend this program to student groups, coaches, teachers, athletic directors, college and high school administrators - and really all human beings who have an open mind!”
— Brett MacConnell, Associate Head Coach,
Princeton University
“I would and will recommend this program to student groups, coaches, teachers, athletic directors, college and high school administrators - and really all human beings who have an open mind!”
— Joe Braun, Clinical psychologist
“…an uncomfortable conversation that will change your life…”
- Carol Turner, clinical psychologist
“This seminar was so helpful to me. Anti-racism is a skill, and this training was an opportunity to improve my skill. I learned through conversations with others on this call that there are techniques we can use to become better at being advocates for Black lives and social justice. This training will help you grow: think of it like a booster pack. It will educate you, motivate you, and inspire you!”
- Joe Mihalich, Assistant Coach,
University of Pennsylvania
“‘A Long Talk’ is a powerful look at this country’s history founded on the concept of the supremacy of whites and the utilization of Black people to build the economy that would lead to the US becoming the richest in the world. It provides the context for why we are where we currently are in terms of racial inequality. It pushes each of us to confront our complicity in the status quo and make a choice to stand on the side of racial injustice and inequality or join the fight and become an anti-racist ally committed to act in impactful ways.”
- Nat Graham, Assistant Coach,
University of Pennsylvania
“I've been involved in quite a few antiracism learning communities, and this one is special. It packs a lot into a short time, and the focus is always on moving forward together and not getting dragged down by our collective national history. The facilitators are excellent. All participants leave with renewed energy and tools we can use to move our communities forward.”
- Janelle Wertzberger, Assistant Dean
and Director of Scholarly Communications,
Gettysburg College
“I’ve been here for 17 years and I think these three sessions have been the most meaningful and important conversations I have had with my colleagues in that time. I am truly grateful."
- Lynda Tealer, Executive Associate Athletics Director, University of Florida
“Kyle Williams created a space for literal strangers to let down their guard and open their hearts and minds to learn about the history of racism in America. ‘A Long Talk’ is an essential program for anyone who wants to learn how they can play a role in dismantling racism on the path to creating an anti-racist society. We are all responsible for doing our part and ‘A Long Talk’ provides the platform and the tools to do so.”
- Reyna Gilbert-Lowry,
Senior Associate Athletic Director,
Student-Athlete Development/SWA, VA Tech
“Simply the best seminar I've participated in on any topic. Great pre work materials that served to help educate me. Excellent speakers, slides, questions, and videos embedded in the presentation. Productive break-out room discussions. Kyle Williams is an excellent facilitator. The first day when he kept 90 coaches engaged through questions and use of the chat feature on Zoom was great. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Beyond that, I left the 3 day experience more passionate, committed, and armed with some resources to help me become a better front line soldier.”
- Dave Paulsen, Head Coach,
George Mason University
“A Long Talk About the Uncomfortable Truth’ is one of the most transformational, DEI experiences I’ve ever had the privilege of participating in, and certainly the most influential anti-racism training I’ve ever done. Kyle and Kamal are inspired and are pure educators at their core. From the pre-work to the role plays, their curriculum is informative, relevant, immediately applicable, and empowering. They welcome everyone to the table, invite everyone to embrace where they are in their anti-racism journey, and illustrate how exactly to take the next step forward.”
-Whitney Johnson, Associate Athletic Director, Student Athlete Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Brigham Young University
“In my 24 years as a white college basketball coach the ‘A Long Talk’ presentation lead by Kyle Williams was the most impactful and eye opening education I have received. It made me see where I was and I am and where I need to go as a leader of young black men. We all have work to do and "A Long Talk" helped me realize I can't waste time.”
-Mike Rhoades, Head Coach,Virginia Commonwealth University
Doug Sutherland, an Associate Athletic Director at the University of Florida, speaks on the meaning and importance behind the phrase "White people to the front".